




I cannot express how amazing baths are.. They’re is truly nothing else that justifies scalding your big two on the first eager entry into a steamy oval shaped volume of joy.

Usually way to hot and following a natural jump reaction to run away, you can never resist putting that foot straight back in. The whole body quickly following it, barring the intense few seconds until the heat of the bubbly water eventually takes over and your whole body decides to subside.. melting into mountains of bubbles and for the next half an hour your every sense is filled with the aroma of candles and bath essence 

You immediately relax and let your worries melt back into the stone beneath you. The heat gets more intense as you focus on opening every bit of tension you have and letting it rise upward along with the rays of steam that follow.

You breath deep and slowly. Inhaling deeply,  you surrender to the sweet serenading voice of Angus and Julia Stone.

Soon you let go of the contemplation of life’s struggles and focus on the crackles of the foamy bubbles that form your limps. The flickers of the Bora Bora candle gives you hope that everything will soon resolve and be okay..

There’s a pure beauty in baths that nothing else will ever be able to give, a precious gift just like life, never can be replaced, never missed until it’s gone. 

Thank you beautiful bath for letting me settle my conscious of hateful, negative thoughts and instead replacing my mind with flooding positivity, pure happiness and love. Letting me leave you with a sense of ease and joy. 

You are truly a goddess in disguise. 

Keep doing what you do best.. Making people be bliss 

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