What lights you up?! 

I just listened to an amazing podcast by Megan Dalla-Camina about Rebecca Cameron’s new book “light is the new black”. If you are looking for enlitenment or an easy motivational read this is amazing!!! I’m only 30 pages in but already loving the positive vibes and loving nature of the book. 

You can buy it on Apple iBooks at the moment for just $2.99!!!!! It can definitely relate to you know matter how much grief you’ve been through or how breezy your life has been thus far! Just sip a cup of your favourite herbal blend and unwind to the goodness within these crispy pages. 

Listen to the podcast by Megan below: 


Kmart one..  Me zero 

Top tips when putting together Kmart furniture: 

1. Make sure you DO NOT LOOSE the screws.. you need those little suckers. 

2. Make sure you LOOK AT ALL sides of the pieces before hammering together one side may be purposely for the back. I notably learnt this the hard way. After carefully putting 18 nails into every edge of my bedside table, I was over the moon with my achievement, conquering the 6 collective images of what Kmart call “instructions”… more like a story board of strategic failure.  I pulled my bedside table up the right away in success! And then realising that the outside was indeed inside out. I obliviously overlooked the white slabs that blatantly had one plain white side for the front that would match the rest of the table and the instructions on the back which indeed would rest up again the wall.   I found out after nailing 18 nails into the back of my bed side table. 

3. So learn from my mistakes and DO READ ALL the instructions and piece together the roguish collection of images before attempting to build, otherwise you will be spending the afternoon unpicking the nails you just hammered.








I cannot express how amazing baths are.. They’re is truly nothing else that justifies scalding your big two on the first eager entry into a steamy oval shaped volume of joy.

Usually way to hot and following a natural jump reaction to run away, you can never resist putting that foot straight back in. The whole body quickly following it, barring the intense few seconds until the heat of the bubbly water eventually takes over and your whole body decides to subside.. melting into mountains of bubbles and for the next half an hour your every sense is filled with the aroma of candles and bath essence 

You immediately relax and let your worries melt back into the stone beneath you. The heat gets more intense as you focus on opening every bit of tension you have and letting it rise upward along with the rays of steam that follow.

You breath deep and slowly. Inhaling deeply,  you surrender to the sweet serenading voice of Angus and Julia Stone.

Soon you let go of the contemplation of life’s struggles and focus on the crackles of the foamy bubbles that form your limps. The flickers of the Bora Bora candle gives you hope that everything will soon resolve and be okay..

There’s a pure beauty in baths that nothing else will ever be able to give, a precious gift just like life, never can be replaced, never missed until it’s gone. 

Thank you beautiful bath for letting me settle my conscious of hateful, negative thoughts and instead replacing my mind with flooding positivity, pure happiness and love. Letting me leave you with a sense of ease and joy. 

You are truly a goddess in disguise. 

Keep doing what you do best.. Making people be bliss 

How too be S A S S Y

A handbook created by myself and two amazing friends on our journey across the great Australian deserts venturing through mountains and rivers, oceans and country towns.

Point 1 – Be mysterious (leave them wanting to know more)
Point 2 – Tone (very important to change or set the mood)
Point 3- Sly dog (act like an innocent flower but be the serpent underneath)
Point 4- Always have a comeback (timing is everything)
Point 5- Infectious flirting (body language is key)
Point 6- Fake it till you make it (confidence matters)
Point 7- Be Cool, Calm and Collected (the triple threat)
Point 8- Be a bad ass (everyone loves a taste of a bad girl)
Point 9- Be yourself (no one else can)
Point 10 – Feel the music  (rhythm is a necessity)
Point 11- Always be ahead of the game (intelligence is sexy)
Point 12 – Presentation is everything. Understand and rep your unique style
Point 13 – Be demanding, you deserve it  (know what you want and go get it)

Hello world!

After scrolling through my notes trying to find a password I had written down for an email login somewhat 2 years ago I discovered that, I right far too much nonsense in this little app called “notes”.  Believing that my notes’ pages should be written somewhere else.. 

Along with my love of food, thinking and all things organic, gluten-free, dairy free and eco-friendly.. I decided it would be fun to experiment writing my own blog.

As well as the od journalism assignment here or there I hardly ever express my thoughts or opinion to a world-wide community. However the time has come that I neglect my lonely little notes pages and share to the world or you (whoever you may be) the wonderful things that go on in my brain and life on a day-to-day basis